Wednesday, 11 February 2015

OUIL505: Lynne Segal on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour

Lynne Segal's 1994 book 'Straight Sex: Rethinking the Politics of Pleasure' argues whether heterosexual sex is inherently damaging to women. As her book is reissued, we ask how she feels 21 years later.

Womens liberation emerges 1960s - sexual liberation more active out there in politics and sexually with the pill - however still pervasive sexism and double standards -empowering ourselves we thought would empower ourselves in general- 

Bristol research - girls are being corersed into sex and violence

young peoples sexuality seen as how to protect women and issues of violence - they are unpreparede to talk about their bodies and what they want - need to be able to say what they want

young women diverse experience- majority simply leave it up to the men - only a minority discuss things before they have sex seek contraception and are in control of things 

female friendly pornography - internet saturation of sexist pornography - what we need is women able to think and talk about their bodies and what they might enjoy- how to build womens confidence to think about what they want rather than just hope that the man will give it to them

50 shades of grey - old old story - women leaves everything up to the man - we have to have a greater diversity 
men bonding with men and persecuting women

confident about finding relationships that are good for us. 

small things have changed - many women are more confident today
young women have a problem that they think its up to the man to be in charge in their sexual relationships. 
the male in the head - book

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