Thursday, 17 October 2013

Screen Printing Workshop 1

Today we were introduced to the screen printing facilities at LCA. It was mainly a tour around to show us where all of the equipment was stored and where all the cleaning and printing rooms were. An important detail they told us was the difference between screens. The green one is for paper as there are more holes and they are closer together. Then there is yellow and lastly white/clear which is used for material as the holes are more spaced out. You can experiment with these to create different effects.
We were shown a screen print being created and I thought it was really cool as I've never tried it before. I love how the vacuum works and that the text appears as if by nowhere when you're washing the board. I think screen printing looks really effective and I will definitely be trying it soon.

We were also shown a few techniques that students have done on their own pieces such as layering and using a pixel-ated style. LCA also have dry printing resources and etching and lino equipment which I also would really like to do at some point.

We're having a more in depth workshop for the printing room soon. 

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