Friday, 29 January 2016

Q&A Saturday: Graphic Design Student Liam Bailey

Here are my questions and answers for my next Q&A Saturday brief. Now I need to do an illustration of Liam to accompany it. 

Q) How would you define graphic design?
A) Graphic Design is communicating a message be it threw type or whatever, but you know it could be just setting type on the back of a biscuit tin, so even as boring and trivial as that.

Q) When did you realise graphic design was something you wanted to pursue?
A) When I was in school I was into music and album art work was something I thought people must get paid to do. So when I went to college I discovered it was an a-level called Graphic Design 🤔 So I took it as one of my a-levels realised its much more than album art work and that it saves lives too.
Q) You're from Liverpool, do you like the Beatles?
A) Who are The Beatles?

Q) What are your biggest inspirations for your work? (Helena? haha)
A) Biggest inspiration for my designs, visually is Swiss design, very minimal and nothing will get in the way of the message. Clean design is a safe bet. So all the rules from that follow on today with flat design, you know, keep it clean. 

Q) You study at Leeds College of Art, so is graphic design art?
A) Arguably yes, it's art. However in my opinion it's not art, if my girl friend is to leave me I don't design a logo or a new typeface to express my sadness that's what musicians do, write a song like James Blunt, (you're beautiful) or paint a picture, that's art. Graphic Design is used because we need to say something like the toilets are this way, it's a bit like a language. Suppose we use things artists use like colours or pens but beyond that I don't think it's art, maybe my view on it will change when I get older.

Q) How can you spot a graphic designer?
A) Usually the walk.

Q) What is your favourite piece of work you have done?
A) Favourite piece of work I've ever done is always my last piece of work and that the Tokyo Olympic posters I did for COP.

Q) Have you done many collaborative pieces?
A) Not this year no, last year I did a few. It's been all self driven with COP up until now but from now on in its YCN briefs and stuff like that so I'll be kicking on with them and a few will be collaborative yeah.

Q) Whats next? (in the future? either uni work or after?)
A) After uni is a job in Graphic Design I'll be glad to land any job in the industry. I actually have an interview tomorrow with liverpool council for a position as graphic designer so maybe that'll come off if not I'll apply for similar jobs until someone says yes!

Q) Whats your dream job? A) Dream job... Somewhere like Apple, senior graphic designer or google somewhere were they're serious about design.

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