Saturday, 10 October 2015

Q&A Saturday: Robyn Shaw 10/10/15

This process actually took me a lot longer than I expected! Editing down the information and putting the questions in the best order for the viewer, creating an illustration, editing the drawing and ensuring it all looked right took me a lot of today! So I am definitely going to try and get the majority of it done by Friday, especially editing down the questions and answers into the right format! This way I can choose when best to upload it etc rather than being rushed! I think the evening is quite a good time though as most people are out during the day so will more likely be scrolling through social media at this time in the evening... however I wouldnt want it much later as people go out on Saturday nights, because of this, it is essential that I have the post prepared well in advance!

I was inspired on the aesthetic for the illustration by Robyns love of monochrome, (I started off with grey paint and pencil), but I couldn't help adding colour, and since she has lovely auburn hair I decided to edit the original image with a warm tone of orange. I also found some inspiration on pinterest on my Sketchbook board with this image linked below...

UPDATE: 11/10/15

I decided to share the Tumblr post on my 'A Wasp in a Wig' Facebook page...

This morning Facebook notified me that this post was getting 75% more engagement than my other recent posts! This proves to me that doing the interviews is a great way to attract interest as it provides a human element and you get to find out a bit about someone as well as the industry their in... interviewing students like Robyn also allows people a sneak peak into degrees/uni life, which not many interviews do... this way people can find out about it from someone currently studying and with huge potential ahead of them - great for prospective students, people deciding whether uni is right for them, or even other students who are interested in where Robyn's at with her work and her thought processes for her future!

It's really good that Facebook has these statistics and I find them really useful in finding out what attracts attention and works best. I think this one worked well as I put my head in the mind frame of a typical magazine, so I used persuasive and intriguing language that might attract a bored FB browser! ...'Check out my interview with Fashion Communication student Robyn Shaw, and find out what she has to say about 'boys in vests'!'  

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