Thursday, 1 October 2015

Uganda Maternal Healthcare Picture Book Illustration Project: Update

I am really happy as I received some great news from Olivia who is working on the Uganda Maternal Healthcare project. She has asked me to work alongside two other artists on this project and she will be sending me the sections that I need to cover.

'Carol was really pleased with all the samples you sent over and is really keen for you to illustrate her book! 

She has written up descriptions of each illustration that needs doing for the first half of the book (the 'during pregnancy' section). I've divided up the months between the three of you. 

Some of the pictures are a bit more complicated than the ones you did for the samples. Hopefully this won't be a major problem, but if you want to simplify them a bit that should be fine as long as the main message is still quite obvious. If you're really struggling with any of them let me know and maybe someone else can have a go. I've also attached all the samples you did so that you can have a look at each others. The styles are relatively similar, but it doesn't matter too much if the pictures aren't all identical!

We thought it would be a good idea to try and make the main woman the same character throughout, and the easiest way to do this is probably if she is wearing the same colour. I think red and orange would make her stand out as the main character? 

There are quite a lot of pictures and of course I'm sure you are all quite busy, but if you could give me an idea of how long you think it will take to do your illustrations that would be really helpful! 

Thanks all so much for getting involved in this project and really looking forward to seeing your work. Please let me know if you have any questions at all, or if any of the descriptions are unclear.'

She also sent along attachments concerning the project.

These are some of the sample illustrations I sent over to her. I wanted to give an example of black and white and combining some colour etc.

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