Sunday, 3 May 2015

OUIL505: Postcard ideas 2

I have thought about the antique style a lot but after I started drawing the illustrations and doing them in watercolour in that style I decided that they did not have the effect I wanted. They were not powerful enough even though they were pretty and girly.

I want instead to do much more modern postcards with loud clashing colours and patterns like the work of Hattie Stewart (doodle art).

I want to incorporate the portrait with the pattern and maybe symbols on the front, then put the quote on the back with a nice border style of pattern where you can also write the address and a message to the recipient.

I haven't decided on the exact font I will use yet but I want it to be clear and simple.

I also want to include 'A Wasp in a Wig' somewhere on the post cards.

Below is my inspiration for these style of cards:

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