Monday, 11 May 2015

OUIL505: Drawings

My first sketchbook explored and investigated patterns:

I created my drawings by using water colour as a base to map out proportions and the general feeling and atmosphere of the work; as I believe colour is crucial to moving the viewer.
I then drew on top of it using two sizes of black pen; I use the thinnest one to begin with and then I add the thicker pen line where I think there needs to be a more exaggerated or dominant line. This thick line is also helpful in producing a sense of movement to the work as I don't feel I have to be precious with it.

Below is the link to this initial sketchbook work:

I then photographed it and edited them on Photoshop; adjusting the Levels and Saturation first. Then making small improvements and getting rid of any outliers (unnecessary marks).

Below is the link to my edited drawings:

I then started to produce my final designs in postcard format:

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