Things to do:
- Create a 6 frame background for the animation stings. This can be used as a background for the text which will need to last 3 seconds so will take 36 frames.
- Finish drawing out all frames in pencil for the three stings. Ensuring you have about 75 frames. May photocopy some of the frames if I think the movement is going too fast- this will bring the number up from 60 to 75.
- Paint outlines onto the frames. Think colour scheme and how they will interact with the separate background.
So far I have 60 frames each for two stings and so I must do 15 more each for these. I also have to create 75 frames for a third sting. I have based all of these on my designs for my Printed Picture prints as I really like these designs and they really take into account the symbols, motifs and themes of the play; A Midsummer Night's Dream. I will use animation to bring these designs alive.
Although the basic design will be similar this work will look totally different to my Printed Pictures work as I will be using paint as my media and I will also be adding sound and text.
I plan to create a 6 frame animated sequence to work as a background… mainly symbolising a night sky but also keeping an abstract element. I need to think about whether to stick to just paint for this or to use mixed media such as photographic elements of a moon or woods/branches or flowers etc. This way I can have a backdrop of a sky of twinkling starts etc but nothing too distracting or over complicated.
My 75 frames will be the foreground image - the main movement in the pieces. These will probably be mainly outlines in paint and the main element will be abstract colour. I have done quite a few test pieces for colour palettes in my sketchbook so I will have to rely on this while I am painting over my pencil lines in order to convey the correct atmosphere and meaning within my work.
The background will play on after the 75 frames while the text comes on to inform the viewer about Shakespeare's work. It will look effective if there is a slightly animated night sky within the letters and black space around - as if the letters are cut out… however I will have to experiment with this on After Effects before I can be sure that this will work and look effective.
For now I will concentrate on creating the pencil frames and painting them in along with making the separate background.
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