Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Lino Cut Progress Shots

I am soo happy with the way the detailed sections came out when printing as I was worried that the ink mays pread. 

Unfortunately for some of my lino cuts which I had done previously, I had cut into where their frame would have been. To fix this I cut down the original lino print to the size of the image inside the frame and then used a separate piece of lino to cut out a frame. This was quite annoying to print with as ideally you would want everything equal and the ink to be put on at the same time. But it still worked and it was a good way of using a print and not letting it waste just because it was an awkward shape. 

I started by drawing my design in pen, although the rest of this image was done free hand because I didn't want to waste time drawing a scene I knew well... with the gods though it was essential that I planned out how to arrange them into the rest of the scene in a subtle but overshadowing way; reflecting their influence over the scene.  

Here is my trusty steed! Aka lino cutter. There were a range of heads but I mainly used two, the thinnest and the thickest. The thinnest was obviously best for doing intricate shapes and shallow small details such as the eyes, where as the wider ones were much better for cutting a big amount of space out of the lino.

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