Thursday, 28 April 2016

FMP India Re-cap

Jamie Mills Feedback 23/02/2016

A collection of artifacts that tell a story.
Lino prints - landscapes, environments.
Focus on colour.
Narrative - journey.
A collection of drawings and prints that tell the experience of your trip.

To do:
A journalistic approach; investigate documentary photography!
Lino prints, photographs, drawings, screen printing?
People and places and events.
Scale - large scale tests of flora like palm trees.
Research: Reductive lino printing, William Eggleston, Reductive Line Printing, William Grill, Natives Journal -Nicolas Burrows, Lizzie Stewart.

Patrick Group Tutorial - 04/2016
For paper stock - Fred Aldus shop, Cassart, Fabriano, heavy gage water colour paper.
MDF board- Get two; one to stretch paper, one to work on. 7mil (mm?) - Go to the woodwork room!
For lino, do loads so you can afford to play about with it - draw on top, and below of the lino cuts! Prepare some illustrated paper to take with you to print on.

The printed brief that I took along...

Brief Title: Illustrated India
Brief: A reportage project based on a trip to South India. Documenting moments from everyday life. Telling the story of locals and tourists in a freeze frame type of narration through my illustrations. (Not an actual story book.)
·         A range of prints; scenes, gods and yoga poses.
·         A number of multimedia large scale drawings/paintings.
·         A range of photographs.
·         The possibility of creating work from this original work such as; postcards, a book of the collection and others work such as travel diaries and poetry, a zine could be photocopied or printed and done nicely like NEST, bags, cushions, henna, bolster covers and yoga brick designs etc. For the bolster covers could buy material, print/stitch onto it, and hire or borrow a sewing machine from fashion student.
Tone of Voice: Reportage, Documentary, Commercial.
Audience: Yoga/India fans, people who like to travel, people who like the printing and drawing process and asthetic. People who may want to own these works in their houses or as designs on their products.
Context: Exhibition, or to hang in their house/business. Such as a yoga workshop room.
Mandatory Requirements: The pieces must exist individually as a standalone piece of work so that they can be bought separately, but also must act as part of a set. A good quality stock must be used.
·         Sketchbooks – stitch materials and samples in to experiment with multimedia before final pieces.
·         Products.
·         Presentation boards. 5/6.

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